“"Dr John Basera and I have known each other for more than five years. In 2019, I became the first foreigner to serve as Chairman of the Commercial Bank of Zimbabwe, the country’s largest financial institution. Dr Basera headed our agricultural lending program which was not only one of our largest but most problematic business units. Under Dr Basera’s amazing leadership, the unit was returned to profitability. More significantly and directly as a result of Dr Basera’s strategic and commercial lending practices, Zimbabwe became a net exporter of wheat and maize for the first time in several years. Dr Basera is an amazing individual who personifies the highest standards of ethics, character and integrity. ”
“I have keenly followed Dr Basera’s career during his stint as Managing Director of the Commercial Bank of Zimbabwe’s (CBZ) Agrobusiness and his subsequent appointment to the position of Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, in Zimbabwe. John is not afraid of new thinking, implementing new ideas and innovations that are transformative. He can lead and thrive in a complex environment and inspiring his team to turn the desired outcomes fast. He is an explorer and implementer of innovative partnership models and believes a lot in the Sustainable Development Goal #17 to achieve set goals and objectives. He is also big on teamwork and strategic delegation. John communicates very well and above all, he allows his team to flourish and shine as a collective. ”
“Dr John Basera's key strengths are evident in his ability to be intellectually sound in his thought processes which he can clearly define and expand in strategy and implementation. The Pfumvudza/Intwasa programme is one such example that bears his all round ability to complete the cycle of programme ideation and conceptualisation, strategy development to implementation. Coupled with the foregoing, he has managed to provide robust leadership and guidance to colleagues and this has enabled him to post strong results in the various mandate areas under his wing since 2020. Dr. Basera has become a beacon of excellence and
competence and his record tells the tale of a man on a mission to change the livelihoods of citizens for the better. He has acquainted himself with the highest level of integrity as required of a public official with high standing assignments with distinction. Of note is his strong belief in working as a collective, leveraging on capacities and competencies in a whole-of-society approach which the Second Republic adopted. ”